Stay Focused on

Mission 2022

I am an experienced software tester with professional experience in different projects with clients from different countries. I am a very self-motivated, energetic & ambitious person who has developed a mature and responsible approach to any task I undertake or any situation I am presented with.

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My Mission in 2022

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My mission is to create and lead a dream team where everyone is playing to their strengths. Also learning new things everyday and make myself a better version from the previous day.

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My vision is to be an honest, empathetic and impactful project leader and to be recognized internationally within my industry.

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My new year goal is to set a routine for myself and stick to it, make more time for my family, manage my finances better, keep a healthy diet and travel more.

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I Have Worked

I am currently working in a Australia based IT company named Bitmascot Pvt. Limited as an Assistant Project Manager. Previously I worked in 6sense Technologies as an SQA Engineer.

My resume


About Me

I love to play video games in my free time. I have been playing video games competitively since 2016. Started with Call of Duty 4 and now playing Fifa for fun. My favourite sports is football. I love to travel too.

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